

みんなともだち (英語 Ver.)


"We Are All Friends!"

If you are taller

If you are shorter

If you are chubbier

If you are thiner

We are all friends together

If you are round-faced

If you are oval-faced

If you have big eyes

If you have almond eyes

We are all friends together

If your hair is longer

If your hair is shorter

If your hair is curly

If your hair is straight

We are all friends together

If you are wearing glasses

If you are wearing contacts

If you are wearing braces

If you have straight teeth

We are all friends together

If you are good student

If you are bad student

You run like a cheetah

You run like a snail

We are…

Your voice is higher

Your voice is lower

If you are always talkative

If you are always quiet

We are all friends together

In school

There are a lot of friends who look different

Has different culture back ground, different language

But you guys still friends, right?

So, let’s take a look closer at next part!

In other words

If you are having a different skin

Your hair or eye color is many different

Your language or your wearing cloth is all different

So what?

If you are boy if you are girl

If you are none of those, so what?

We are always all friends all the time!

Ask their name and say hello and shake hands

See we are friends so we can go and play! So

We are all friends together

Grandpa and Grandma

Dad and Mom and Step Families

Brother Sister Cousin and

Our Dog Cat Puppy Kitten

Our garden trees and flowers

All green grass

All the people who live on the earth

The world is same so "Endlessly same~!"

We are all friends together

La La La

When we have a wrinkled face

When we have a blotchy face

Bald-headed man or

Gray-hair White-hair

We will be all friends all the time forever

You eat a bread or you eat a rice or

You prefer meat or you prefer vegetables

We are…

“We are just human in the end!”

We are group of people who live on the earth together

So, let’s have good time

All friends together!


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山下愛 の“みんなともだち (英語 Ver.)”を


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    みんなともだち (日本語 Ver.)


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    みんなともだち (英語 Ver.)



  • 山下愛

    東京都、足立区出身。3歳からヤマハ音楽教室に通い、 ピアノとエレクトーンを学び、クラシックだけでなくジャズ、 ラテン、ポップス等幅広いジャンルの音楽に親しむ。 その後、クラシックで武蔵野音楽大学ピアノ専攻卒業。 ピアノ講師、ブライダルピアニスト等で数年働く傍ら、 大学時代にジャズ研究部に入っていた経験から興味を持ち、 ジャズを本格的に習い始め、バークリー音楽大学5週間夏期講習を受講。学費一部免除の奨学金を受賞、ロータリー財団地区補助金奨学生に選ばれ、 バークリー音楽大学プロフェッショナルミュージック科を卒業。 現在は、アメリカ・ボストンに拠点を置き活動中。

