The Sounds (only she gave)のジャケット写真

The Sounds (only she gave)


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Single Release: "The Sounds (only she gave)" by Pablo Haiku
Release Date: May 22th

About the Song:
"The Sounds (only she gave)" is a love song about recalling someone.
The recording, mixing, and mastering engineer of this song is Kosuke Nakamura who is known for his work with Yuta Orisaka and Uchu Nekoko.
This is the 2nd song of Pablo Haiku in this year, and the next single will be released 6 weeks after the release of "The Sounds (only she gave)".

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  • Pablo Haiku

    東京藝術大学在学中に結成。森飛友、永田風薫、足立新からなる3人編成。 2021年に1stシングル『park』でデビュー。ダンスミュージックとバンドサウンドを独自の感覚で融合させた楽曲で注目を集める。 昨年8月には1st EP『Pablo Haiku』をリリース、5月にFS.(東京・渋谷)にて行われた自主企画ライブ「Part of Me Release Party」はソールドアウトとなった。


    Pablo Haikuの他のリリース

2024 Pablo Haiku