I Don't Wear A Maskのジャケット写真


I Don't Wear A Mask


Our society has changed

But world's not changed

We've just been divided

Science is not absolute

It doesn't lead to a single answer

Countless data

Long-drawn-out cherry-picking

"Let's walk in step with each other

Now we are in emergency

So we have no choice"

What if we're heading to inferno?

There're lots of things to deny what they say?

"Till the world gets back on the track

We need to bear up for our society"

It's the right way?

What are we fighting against?

We really have a foe?

Hey man, tell me why you believe only what you think you know

Though many people realize something is wrong

No choice but to mask and assimilate themselves in the world

But we don't need to do so?

We need to bring back our own colors

So I don't wear a mask

What we need ain't a mask

Just because everyone says does not mean it's right

"Fact" does not equal to "truth"

"Things that many people think it's a fact" are going to be "truth"

Disrupting the world in the name of high alert

Even though we end up in more tragic world, will we keep going on?

We're all keep wandering in the world of madness

Into a labyrinth that we build by ourselves

We're searching an exit that does not exist

Perpetual mud-flinging, we cannot stop

It all depends on interpretation

We can make anything into a reason for emergency

While we keep searching it

We'll remain trapped in the maze

What are we fighting against?

They're really our foe?

Just viewing them with biased eyes?

Why do you judge them as fool?

Though many people realize something is wrong

No choice but to mask and assimilate themselves in the world

But we don't need to do so?

We need to bring back our own colors

So I don't wear the mask

Upside down, preposterous

We're putting the cart before the horse

Everything has benefit and risk

There's no such thing as a choice with no risk in the world

We're living with risks

We just wanna think we're in emergency?

We just wanna fight against something or someone?

We're just drunk with high alert?

Some people trying to save the world

Others trying to stand to gain by swindling the world

Others picking up a buck in front of them, even though it's wrong

And still others just going with the stream

This is the world

What are we fighting against?

We really have the foe?

Hey man, tell me why you believe only what you think you know

Is it really our enemy?

We really need to fight it? It's only right way?

We're just blind believe one-sided data, what the government says, what we've always believed

And the general mood? Just want to believe them?

Though many people realize something is wrong

No choice but to mask and assimilate themselves in the world

But I don't choose that way

Maybe I am just a small stain

But if no one do anything, nothing won't change

Just to bring back our own colors

So I don't wear the mask

I don't need a mask

What we really need ain't a mask

Hey man, you really need the mask?

Digging our own graves

You think it's wrong?

Still do you keep wearing the mask?

What to fear, How much to pay

There's more than one right answer

Just as many answers as many people

We can never unify them

Why do we forcibly unify them?

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


I Don't Wear A Maskのジャケット写真

Aizen の“I Don't Wear A Mask”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

  • ⚫︎

    I Don't Wear A Mask


AIZEN OFFICIAL SITE - http://aizen.link / Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/aizen.sugiyama / https://www.facebook.com/aizen00000 / Twitter - http://twitter.com/Aizen_RIVIED / YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/RIVIEDCHANNEL?sub_confirmation=1 / All vocals and instruments played by Aizen / Music, Lyrics, Arranged and Produced by Aizen / Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Aizen at RIVIED-ARTS STUDIO



    アーティストAIZENによるソロ・プロジェクト。相反するものの融合と調和をテーマに、全身で体感できる総合芸術を目指し、HR/HMを基盤にしながらもジャンルの枠を超えた新しい音、世界を創造する。 Aizen : 幼少期より始めたピアノで音楽理論の基礎を学び、10代後半よりバンド活動を開始。20代前半でロックバンド“RIVIED”をスタート。その後、20代の半ばで一時期音楽から離れていたが、活動休止中だったRIVIEDの再始動に伴い復帰、以後精力的に活動。幾度にもわたる満員のワンマンライブや自主企画イベントをこなし、またライブハウスに限らずフェスティバルやインストアイベントでも活躍、地元仙台での定禅寺ストリートジャズフェスティバルやとっておきの音楽祭などでは、多くの道行く人の足を止め、フェスティバルを盛り上げる。 2014年1月にはフルアルバム“Re:BIRTH”を全国リリース、RIVIEDにおいては歌やギターの他にソングライティングや、アレンジャー、プロデューサー、エンジニアも務め、島村楽器主催の“録れコン2014”においては、Aizen自身がプロデュース、レコーディング、マスタリングを務めるRIVIEDの楽曲“Keeper of the Symmetry”(アルバムRe:BIRTH収録)が『録音・ベストプレイ(バンドアンサンブル)賞』を受賞。 Aizen個人としては、人気の結婚式場“SORANOWA”始め、各方面への楽曲提供や音源制作など、コンポーザーやエンジニア、クリエイター、アレンジャーとして多岐にわたって活躍中。 また地元仙台のコミュニティFM「㎙いずみ」ではラジオパーソナリティーも務め、毎週金曜日21時より好評放送中の番組『RIVIED TIME』は、13年を超す長寿番組となっている。 そして2016年8月、ついにソロ・プロジェクト“AIZEN”を始動。現在はアルバムリリースに向け楽曲制作の傍ら、豪華サポートメンバーと共にライブも行っている。



