Genesis of the Stars Front Cover

Genesis of the Stars

Track List

  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music

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Formed in 2009 by violinist Keisuke Takashima, ptf are an instrumental band infused with progressive rock and metal influences.
With three albums under their belt thus far, they have achieved critical success not only in their home country of Japan, but also overseas, gaining a reputation for their intricate compositions and high level of instrumentation.

Their new 5 track album is a concept album centered around a composition titled "Genesis of the Stars", a 38 minute song inspired by the science-fiction classic "Inherit the Stars" by British novelist James P. Hogan. In addition to the band's core sound of violin, the album introduces analog synthesizers to the ensemble, resulting in a diverse range of sounds unheard before on a ptf album.

Taking advantage of not being able to perform live due to the pandemic, the group instead focused their efforts on meticulous rehearsals in the studio. Now more tighter than ever, the band has been able to create a color palette of sounds more diverse than ever before. The album's title track, a compositionally dense grand opus which consists of eight parts, is a sonic journey filled with lush violin and synthesizer sounds which will surely please fans of progressive rock.
A progressive rock and metal voyage that will intrigue and satisfy fans of both genres,"Genesis of the Stars" represents a new frontier for ptf.

Artist Profile

  • ptf

    2009年、バイオリニストの高島圭介を中心に結成。プログレッシブロック/メタルを志向したインストゥルメンタルバンド。  これまでに3枚のアルバムを発表。その高い演奏力と緩急織り交ぜた緻密な構成による楽曲は、国内はもとより、海外からも高い評価を得る。  エレクトリックからアコースティックまで弾きこなすバイオリンをメインに据え、メロディーを大切にした楽曲は、メロウでセンシティブなものから、ヘヴィでアグレッシブな面まで、幅広い音世界を創りあげている。  また、プラネタリウムを舞台にした音と映像のイベントを催したり、定期的に無料スタジオライブを開催し近距離でリスナーとの交流を図るなど、通常のバンドの枠に縛られない活動も積極的に行っている。  2021年、4thアルバム "Genesis of the Stars"を発表予定。バイオリンを基調にしつつも、多様な音像を取り入れ、より深化したスタイルを追求している。

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Perpetual Spring Records