Hey darling
How have you been lately?
Hey darling
Haven't seen you for a while
Hey darling, how were you
Last couple (Of) years
Was it better than what we've been through?
I miss you
I feel so lost inside my head
Come home and stop this pain
Can you hear I'm singing for you?
I'm singing from my lungs
I cannot give you up
I know you know that
Can you hear I'm singing for you?
I'm staring at the door
That you left open
When you walked away from me
Hey darling
Have I told you lately?
Hey darling
You filled up my empty spot
Hey darling, how about you?
Are you happy now?
Do you remember all what we've been through?
I miss you
I feel so lost inside my head
Come home and stop this pain
(Can you hear me now?)
Can you hear I'm singing for you?
I'm singing from my lungs
I cannot give you up
I know you know that
Can you hear I'm singing for you?
I'm staring at the door
That you left open
When you walked away from me
Hate to say we cannot be together
We can't stay like kids
We're out of time
(We're out of time)
You say we can't Fix This Love together
We can't stay like this
We're out of time
(We're out of time)
Can you hear I'm singing for you?
I'm singing from my lungs
I cannot give you up
I know you know that
Even though you'll never listen to me
(I'm) singing for myself
I know we can't stay like this
We're out of time
We're out of time
- 作詞
- 作曲
4 Roses
- 共同プロデューサー
Paradise Studio
- レコーディングエンジニア
Paradise Studio
- ミキシングエンジニア
Paradise Studio
- マスタリングエンジニア
Paradise Studio
- ギター
Taketo, GARI
- ベースギター
4 Roses の“Fix This Love”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- ⚫︎
Fix This Love
4 Roses
Can you hear I'm singing for you?
この楽曲は東京を中心に活動するEmo Pop Punk バンド4 Rosesによる、全く新しい彼らのエモの一面である。聴き手を魅了する4 Rosesの最新作”Fix This Love”に込められた想い、一度聴いたら二度と忘れない作品となっている。
4 Roses
4 Rosesの他のリリース