THE ONEのジャケット写真




"I'm beautiful and I love me

You're beautiful and I love you

We're beautiful and we love us

We're beautiful and we love us"

"I'm beautiful and I love me

You're beautiful and I love you"

If I was a billionaire

If I was a hollywood star

If I was a president

Would I love me more?

That's crying for the moon

I almost became a fool

My heart can't be full with only someone's love

Listen to my soul saying wanna live, love my life

So tonight I celebrate myself

Cuz I'm beautiful

Yes, I'm beautiful

Tonight I fill my moon

I'm gonna say

"I love me

Yes I love me."

And tonight keep on saying

"I'm beautiful and I love me

I'm beautiful and I love me

I'm beautiful and I love me

I'm beautiful and I love me.''

You can't be a believer?

You can't be a dreamer?

You can't be an achiever?

Who says you can't be them?

Let's reach for the moon

Don't follow your silly rules

When your heart runs out of love, I'm gonna send mine to you

Listen to my soul saying wanna live, laugh with you

So tonight go celebrate yourself

Cuz you're beautiful

Yes, you're beautiful

Tonight I fill your moon

I'm gonna say

"I love you

Yes I love you."

And tonight keep on saying

"You're beautiful and I love you."

"You're beautiful and I love you."

"You're beautiful and I love you."

"You're beautiful and I love you."

I'm beautiful and I love me

I'm beautiful and I love me

You're beautiful and I love you

You're beautiful and I love you

We're beautiful and we love us

We're beautiful and we love us

We're beautiful and we love us

We're beautiful and we love us

Tonight let's celebrate ourselves

Cuz we're beautiful

Yes, we're beautiful

Tonight let's fill our moon

We're gonna say

"We love us

Yes We love us."

Tonight let's celebrate ourselves

Cuz we're beautiful

Yes, we're beautiful

Tonight let's fill our moon

We're gonna say

"We love us

Yes We love us."

And tonight keep on saying

"We're beautiful and we love us

We're beautiful and we love us

We're beautiful and we love us

We're beautiful and we love us

We're beautiful and we love us

We're beautiful and we love us

We're beautiful and we love us

We're beautiful and we love us"

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


THE ONEのジャケット写真

anagon の“Celebrate”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


  • anagon

    月明かりのような音楽を届けるシンガーソングライターです。 世界中の孤児院などに音楽やダンス、アート、ミュージカルのワークショップを届けるNPO法人LES WORLD のミュージシャンも担当しています。 作詞作曲、ボーカル、ギター、ドラム、ベース、キーボードを演奏して、ミキシングまで一人でやっています。

