Water Fountain Front Cover


Water Fountain


I’ve been making progress with my eyes closed

No matter how much I think I’ve got

I’ve always been under the illusion

Sometimes I am broken

Staring at wreckage

My emotions are spewing out like a fountain

This is who I am

I’m getting ahead of myself

But still, no one reaches out to me

As time unfurls,the heavens decay

Shattering the fucking light


In the middle of the dark

Then all of the contradictions are towards me

Show the beacon of light and never let it die until we die

I’m getting ahead of myself

But still, no one reaches out to me

As time unfurls, The heavens decay

Shattering the fucking light

Gazing at the sky, where spirits dwell

Leaving behind a light as we sway

Sinking in an impermanent trance

Could it be where we used to dance?

Distorted vision, my plea for thee

Within the dark abyss, I’m forever free

My dreams awoke, and the city light took you away leaving nothing in my hands

There’s a patch of moonlight behind the tide

The Impoverished

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Water Fountain Front Cover

Listen to Water Fountain by Hourstrange

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