All fate is fixed from the start
But my clock isn’t ticking time at all
God seems to have kicked me out of the world
Drive me insane Coz I be gone?
「I wonder if ending is really come?」
Sometimes I hear that kind of voice
I'd like to think the same way in my head
But my heart is cannot take back
We build a hiding place
At six feet under deep
I'd rather burn it out
Screaming than fade and rust
Fall into an empty hole
It's like a silent doll
I couldn’t see your all
We are all dying
That is why no whine
Dead or Alive
The final result is the same for all
We’re like air
What can you leave after all is over?
We are all lying
But always in vain
Faith or Fake
Coz I afraid of even falling asleep now
Be just spend one’s life
While you’re looking at the sky
Come to an end
All fate is fixed from the start
But my clock isn’t ticking time at all
God seems to have kicked me out of the world
Drive me insane Coz I be gone?
Shotguns will never save you
Shutdown is never last resort
Acceptance is not equal to give up
A believer on the cradle
He never know the fatal
Right or Wrong
The answer is the same no matter who you ask
We know we’re right
The Savior and the Devil don't know a word
We’ve opened the portal
We never be immoral !
Despair and Hope
Two kinds of venom are bothering us
Where should I reach now?
My neck ? or cross? And or your hand?
My heart is hollow and sink so low
Why are you alive?
My words and rewards will fade away
We are all dying
That is why no whine
Dead or Alive
The final result is the same for all
We’re like air
What can you leave after all is over?
We are all lying
But always in vain
Faith or Fake
Coz I afraid of even falling asleep now
Be just spend one’s life
While you’re looking at the sky
Come to an end
- 作詞
- 作曲
LivEarth の“un”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
2016年夏結成 2021年9月より現体制 バンド名【LivEarth】にはここで生きているという[Live on the Earth]に、 現状をひっくり返す[Reverse]と息を吹き返す[Rebirth]がかかっている。 "言葉では表わすことのできない何かに抗う様"をコンセプトとし、札幌でライブを中心に活動中。 ラウドロック・ポストハードコアを軸としたミクスチャーロックバンド