I’m always awake
You’re always asleep
You ask me something
I’m dreaming all day
The morning sun came
I float in the haze
We have several seasons
Can we find out a reason?
Cloud swallows me
Cloud swallows you
Oh, If we found out something new
You’ll inflate your reasons
Though everything is changing without you
Under the sea
Under the river
Under the glacier
Under the hill
Under the bedrock
Under the islet
Under the tree
Under the forest
Under the silence
Under the silence
Under your feet
Under the here
We must be lonely
No need to be afraid
Because everybody is pretending on the rail
If I find out a reason
Can we make up something new?
The sun swallows me
Waves swallow you
We’re all only creatures
So please don’t break the stillness
In truth, everything is changing with you
Under the streets
Under the metro
Under these buildings
Under the bridge
Under his monument
Under your ceiling
Under your fear
Under the free world
Under my silence
Under your silence
Under your belief
I wonder their confidence
I wonder my science
Under your fear
Under my science
Under your sea
Over your sea
Get over your fear
- Lyricist
Aqorn & The Little Pieces
- Composer
Aqorn & The Little Pieces
Listen to Under the Sea by Aqorn & The Little Pieces
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Under the Sea
Aqorn & The Little Pieces
Artist Profile
Aqorn & The Little Pieces
Lives and works in Tokyo, Japan. Aqorn & The Little Pieces is a solo project by Hiro, now known as "A.Q.N".