A creature no better than a bug!
そんな明かり浴びせないでわかっている 醜い生き物
群れることも許されない突然変異 氷点下で死ぬ
ああこれすでに観たやつだ けどやることないから観ちゃう(Always!)
その覚悟もなくてずるずると惰性で生きてます そんな便り
お互い大変で でもそれでもいいじゃん
今誰がそばに居て この長い呪詛聞いて
遠い星は(I looked up at the night sky!)
表面まで見えないから(The sky is full of stars!)
とっても綺麗だ(It's a wonderful sight!)
ホタルだって夜になれば幻想的だ 儚いOne week!
努力なんかじゃ埋まらない決定的出来の差がある(My hate!)
昔と変わらないのはネガティブなぶん慎重なこと(My way!)
帰る場所もなくて よし!死のうと思って
その覚悟もなくてずるずると惰性で生きてます そんな便り
お互い大変さ でもそれでもいいじゃん
今誰がそばに居んの 長い呪詛聞いてんの
- Lyricist
Jun Maeda
- Composer
Jun Maeda

Listen to Long Long Spell by She is Legend
Streaming / Download
- 1
Shunmin Ryodan
She is Legend
- 2
Heartbreak Syndrome
She is Legend
- 3
Shiniyuku Kisetsude Bokuwa
She is Legend
- ⚫︎
Long Long Spell
She is Legend
- 5
Popcorn N' Roses
She is Legend
- 6
Thank you for playing ~Anata ni Deae te Yokatta~
She is Legend
- 7
How's everything
She is Legend
- 8
Autumn Howl
She is Legend
- 9
Hokago no Melody
She is Legend
- 10
World We Changed
She is Legend
- 11
Hino Sasu Mukoue
She is Legend
- 12
Kishi Kaisei
She is Legend
- 13
Sayonara no Sokudo
She is Legend
Artist Profile
She is Legend
A loud rock unit created in the year 2022 in the dramatic RPG "Heaven Burns Red", vocals by XAI and Konomi Suzuki (Scream is by ayumu/Serenity In Murder). All songs are written, composed, and produced by Jun Maeda. Themes are the absurdity of the world and the question of being born again, sometimes sadly, sometimes fiercely. The band made a strong debut with their first album "Job for a Rockstar," and gave an outstanding performance at "Heaven Burns Red Live 2022", which marked their full-fledged stage debut. The She is Legend Live Tour 2023 "Extreme Flag" was announced as well. The band is breaking the boundaries of the game and debuts in the real world.
She is Legendの他のリリース
WFS Developed by WRIGHT FLYER STUDIOS / VISUAL ARTS / Key Sounds Label