Overwrite the Pastのジャケット写真


Overwrite the Past


The anger and the hate never seems to dissipate

 mixed in with the shame like a filthy black stain

 or my worn out backspace key, when I wanna press delete

 on all my memories and even who I used to be

I still see you in my dreams

 and I wonder where you’ve been

Hey man it’s been a long time

 couldn’t hurt to drop a dime, dime

I remember what’s happened and the fact that you are gone

I wanna overwrite the past today

Cause I don’t wanna remember a single thing

Even the good things I can’t remember

 don’t hold a candle to bitter regrets

So I’d rather let it all just fade away erased

I wanna overwrite the past today

Cause I don’t wanna remember a single thing

Even the good things I can’t remember

 don’t hold a candle to bitter regrets

But I’ve found a new wave to ride into the future and overwrite the past

 cause nothing really lasts, except for the mistakes

I’d rather erase starting right now

  • 作詞

    Jackson Abatemarco

  • 作曲


Overwrite the Pastのジャケット写真

KokoroNoMe の“Overwrite the Past”を


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