

cresson (French Version)

Sayuri Hirama, cressons

Sur la rue étincelante

Mon cœur bat la chamade

En chantant la la la

Mes chaussures battent la mesure

Ces couleurs éclatantes

Qui se répandent en myriade

Cet oiseau bleu qui te

Guide pas à pas vers là

Vers ce bleu d’azur

Dans cet océan

Laisse-toi emporter

Ballotter même si

Cette mer est salée

Je sens mon cœur qui s’emporte

Le son m’emporte

Je peux sentir mon cœur

Renaître, tu es mon sonomètre

Les roses et leurs parfums

Tes doigts qui en frissonnent

En disant la la la

Ton cœur qui bat la mesure

Comme sentir l’eau douce

Pieds nus sue le sol nymphéen

Qui font fleurir les blanches

Fleurs même en automne

Prépare-toi à cela

Dans cet océan

Laisse-toi emporter

Ballotter même si

Cette mer est salée

Je sens mon cœur qui s’emporte

Le son m’emporte

Je peux sentir mon cœur

Renaître, tu es mon sonomètre

  • 作詞者


  • 作曲者



Sayuri Hirama, cressons の“cresson (French Version)”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


Sayuri Hirama, cressons

  • 1

    When darkness and light meet

    Sayuri Hirama

  • 2

    TGV (Kisha ni notte_French Version)

    Sayuri Hirama, cressons

  • ⚫︎

    cresson (French Version)

    Sayuri Hirama, cressons

  • 4

    Karera no sekai

    Sayuri Hirama

  • 5


    Sayuri Hirama

  • 6


    Sayuri Hirama

  • 7


    Sayuri Hirama

  • 8


    Sayuri Hirama

  • 9

    Hommage a Bleriot

    Sayuri Hirama

  • 10

    Du und Ich

    Sayuri Hirama

  • 11

    Avion en papier

    Sayuri Hirama

  • 12


    Sayuri Hirama

  • 13

    Arrival (French Version)

    Sayuri Hirama, RENTON?+COTTON

  • 14


    Sayuri Hirama

  • 15


    Sayuri Hirama

  • 16

    Kisha ni notte

    Sayuri Hirama

  • 17


    Sayuri Hirama, cressons

  • 18


    Sayuri Hirama, RENTON?+COTTON

  • 19

    Nocturne Op.9-2

    Sayuri Hirama

  • 20


    Sayuri Hirama

  • 21

    floating world

    Sayuri Hirama





  • Sayuri Hirama

    Sayuri Hirama is a highly accomplished pianist and composer from Japan. She began playing the piano at the age of two and has developed into a remarkable musician. In addition to her classical music training, she learned jazz while studying in Boston. She graduated from both Tokyo College of Music High School and Tokyo College of Music. She continued her studies under Professor Philippe Entremont at the Académie de Musique de Nice, France, and performed at the Nice Academy of Music's Concert of Excellence with the recommendation of Professor Entremont. She also performed at the Concert of Excellence at the Conservatoire de Vincennes, France under the tutelage of Mr. Marchelle Picursky. She has won several awards for her musical talent, such as the PTNA Piano Competition Newcomer Instructor Award and the Leader's Prize in the European International Piano Competition. She also won the National Competition in both the Solo and Duo Divisions of the Pitina Competition, and was selected for the National Competition of Japan Classical Music Competition. She was awarded the second prize in the Duo Division of the Osaka International Music Competition Final, the third prize in the Duo Division of the Arnk Competition Final, as well as the Espoir Prize. She was also awarded the Grand Prize in the Solo Section of the Grand Final of the same competition. Her music spans across different genres, including jazz, instrumental, rock, and alternative. Her compositions are a beautiful blend of soothing and uplifting sounds that are sure to captivate and transport you to another world.


    Sayuri Hiramaの他のリリース
  • cressons

    Sayuri Hirama Shinichi Ito ひらまさゆり 伊東真一

