Melt in Your Eyes Front Cover


Melt in Your Eyes

Konoka Fukami

見つめてくれる その瞳

目が合うと 溶けちゃうの



でもその目は すぐにふわり

遠くの景色に 溶けていく

凍える朝に 出会う度に

そっと伝えたい この想い

見つめてくれる その瞳

目が合うと 溶けちゃうの



そわそわする 私の視線

でもね 時々こっち向く

マフラー巻いた 待ち合わせで

そっと伝えたい この想い

見つめてくれる その瞳

目が合うと 溶けちゃうの

こころの中 言葉にして

伝えたいな いつかきっと

ちょっとずつ 近づいてく

このまま続けば いいな 冬の恋

寒い帰り道 キュンとして

そっと伝えたい この想い

見つめてくれる その瞳

目が合うと 溶けちゃうの

吐いた白い息 恋のカタチに

届けたいな 冬空ガール

  • Lyricist

    Konoka Fukami

  • Composer

    Konoka Fukami

  • Producer

    Konoka Fukami

  • Vocals

    Konoka Fukami

Melt in Your Eyes Front Cover

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    Melt in Your Eyes

    Konoka Fukami

A song about a little girl's love affair created by Konoka Fukami in AI A child of about the same age Just a child of the same generation The girl who reminds me of the old days Who reminds me of when I was young Those who feel like a daughter People who want to watch over you with some kind of warmth To such people These songs are about one girl's thoughts and feelings. Please watch over me warmly as I grow up slowly.

Artist Profile

  • Konoka Fukami

    A song about a little girl's love affair created by Konoka Fukami in AI A child of about the same age Just a child of the same generation The girl who reminds me of the old days Who reminds me of when I was young Those who feel like a daughter People who want to watch over you with some kind of warmth To such people These songs are about one girl's thoughts and feelings. Please watch over me warmly as I grow up slowly.

    Artist page

    Konoka Fukamiの他のリリース

2024©Konoka Fukami Project
