Strangers / Strings Front Cover


Strangers / Strings


磨かれた 鏡の奥で

泳ぎ回る 小さな魚

繋がれた糸を つたって


君の歌声は 遠くひろがる

花は揺れて あの丘を超えて

手に触れた 愛も言葉も


君の歌声は 遠くひろがる

とめどもなく 続いていく

そこに眠る 彼にも

花は揺れて あの丘を超えて

暮れる まちのなか

溶ける あめいろのくも

ぼくは あるいてく

いとが 断ち切られていても

どれだけ つよく手伸ばしても

きみには とどかない

かぜが 頬をなでる

ふいに 鳴らしたメロディー

ぼくは あるいてく

あぁ今 ここにも鳴り響く

どれだけ つよく手伸ばしても

きみには とどかない

ねえ もういいかい?



Your heart is linked to the threads of my fingertips

So you sleep deeply knowing you’re with me

  • Lyricist

    Shun Kato

  • Composer

    Lilia Ijiri

  • Recording Engineer

    Tomoatsu Kanaya

  • Mixing Engineer

    Tomoatsu Kanaya

  • Mastering Engineer

    Tomoatsu Kanaya

  • Guitar

    Lilia Ijiri, Shun Kato

  • Bass Guitar

    Yasuchika Asato

  • Drums

    Toshimitsu Mizutani

  • Keyboards

    Shun Kato

  • Synthesizer

    Shun Kato

  • Vocals

    Lilia Ijiri

  • Background Vocals

    Shun Kato

Strangers / Strings Front Cover

Listen to Strangers / Strings by OLDTIMER

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    Strangers / Strings


OLDTIMER, a band active mainly in Tokyo, has released three new songs in a row for the first time in five years! This is the second single in the series. With the heaviest and most aggressive sound in the band's history, this song is a change of style from their previous works. It is a colorful number that evokes various landscapes for the listener as the song unfolds.

Artist Profile

Time Shifter Records
