Let's go come on
Please don't butt in. Lady
他の誰にも 無い
To be me who is “me”
Being lame is never lame
気にしないで あーだこーだ
Eyes on me. Get pressured, but I'm “me”
Be the one you are
Just let it go
Always Cityboy (Cityboy)
愛嬌を みせてほしいのだろう
Always City boy(Cityboy)
等身大の No No No
No No No Noo
Please don't butt in. Lady
照らす 街頭が 理路整然な
How dare you! They don’t give a damn about you
You just live your way
Just let it go
Always Cityboy (Cityboy)
僕は 何だと 問いかけてる
Always Cityboy (Cityboy)
等身大の No No No
What is the matter with you?
Keep yourself together for you
Don’t let anyone mess with you
Ask yourself, who is “you”?
You kinda hate your own life
I kinda love my own life
Who the fxxk is “you”? I’m me
Always Cityboy (Cityboy)
行動を みせてほしいのだろう
Always Cityboy (Cityboy)
等身大の No No No
No No No Noo
- Lyricist
Ariji Joe
- Composer
Ariji Joe
Listen to CITY BOY by Joe Ariji
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Joe Ariji
Ariji Joe is an artist born in Tokyo.
Everyone wants to have their own personality and personality,
but they can't do it.
But I am myself.
It is meaningless to discriminate or prejudice compared to others,
so the Neosoul Dance Tune has the idea of living like you.
Artist Profile
Joe Ariji
[Ariji Joe (アリジ ジョー)] 東京でNeosoul/RnB をベースに活動する、新進気鋭のトラックメイカー。 独特のリズム感とソウルフルな歌声で聴く人を虜にする。 2020年6月にセルフプロデュースで1stEP「JOE 1」をリリース。 2021年10月には、 イギリスのNeosoul界で話題のEd Blackや 日本のCitypopジャンルで勢いのあるChapmanのVocal Neggyとの feat曲が入った2ndEPをリリース。 2022年9月にはりんご音楽祭にも出演し、さらに勢いを増している。