Bound by Freedomのジャケット写真




Running past the outskirts of town

Chasing shadows, feeling the wind

The forest's embrace feels far away

Yet I’ll find you, come what may

The voice of the wind speaks the truth

It carries your name, revealing the route

Even with walls so high, my resolve won't fade

My heart leads the way to where you stay

Iron gates and silent nights

I follow the wind, tracing the light

In the moment we meet, harsh words collide

Yet the bond we share heals what divides

"To die is such a disgrace," you say

Those words echo deep and stay

But within them, I find a vow

Our paths unite through tears somehow

A story of courage, of you and me

Bound together by destiny

Iron gates and silent nights

I follow the wind, tracing the light

In the moment we meet, harsh words collide

Yet the bond we share heals what divides

"To die is such a disgrace," you say

Those words echodeep and stay

But within them, I find a vow

Our paths unite through tears somehow

A story of courage, of you and me

Bound together by destiny

Our paths unite through tears somehow

A story of courage, of you and me now

Our paths unite through tears somehow

A story of courage, of you and me now

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Bound by Freedomのジャケット写真

AI:りりぃ の“Reunion”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

This is the third installment of the series, and I will register it as the third chapter. A fantastic tale of adventure spun by an elf and a dwarf. The journey of two people of different races through forests and mountains is depicted in the form of music. This song contains a light melody and a magnificent worldview, a long-eared elf and a long-bearded dwarf, a journey that leads to an unknown world together, the scent of flowers rustling in the wind, the powerful sounds of the mountains, friendship, adventure, and a story where hope intersect.


  • AI:りりぃ

    活動名 MysticHarmony(ミスティックハーモニー)AI:りりぃ 活動内容 自作楽曲の制作と発信を中心に活動しています。エルフや自然をテーマにしたファンタジー要素あふれる音楽を通じて、聴く人々に癒しと冒険のひとときをお届けします。 また、自身の作品だけでなく、特に感銘を受けた楽曲やアーティストを紹介することで、音楽の素晴らしさや多様性を共有していきたいと考えています。 コンテンツ ファンタジーをテーマにしたオリジナル楽曲 楽曲に関連するエピソードやストーリー紹介 自然や冒険をモチーフにしたアルバムやMV制作 音楽を通じて、日々の中に少しでも魔法のような時間を届けられるよう、心を込めて作品制作をしています。

