Bound by Freedomのジャケット写真




Under the tree, we spent the night

Morning light dissolves the dark

The forest silence fades away

A new day rises, here to stay

Your sleeping face, so serene

A gentle smile, a peaceful dream

Tangled blanket and a lifted skirt

A sigh escapes, though it doesn’t hurt

Stepping out, a stretch, a start

The sunlight wraps around my heart

Your restless sleep fades from my mind

The road ahead feels so aligned

Bathed in light, the morning calls

Together we walk toward the unknown

The city hums, its sights untold

With hope in our hearts, we journey bold

From the forest’s depths, you came

Eyes alight with a dream’s flame

The bustling streets, the lively throng

Everything feels like a brand-new song

Daryl’s questions, your replies

Trade and talk, distant skies

What your forest lacks in kind

The city offers in ways refined

Bathed in light, the morning calls

Together we walk toward the unknown

The city hums, its sights untold

With hope in our hearts, we journey bold

What the forest cannot hold

This city’s streets unfold

Dreams we shared beneath the tree

Now it’s time to let them breathe

The path we walk is yet unclear

But hand in hand, there’s no more fear

The light above will show the way

And guide us through another day

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Bound by Freedomのジャケット写真

AI:りりぃ の“morning”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

This is the third installment of the series, and I will register it as the third chapter. A fantastic tale of adventure spun by an elf and a dwarf. The journey of two people of different races through forests and mountains is depicted in the form of music. This song contains a light melody and a magnificent worldview, a long-eared elf and a long-bearded dwarf, a journey that leads to an unknown world together, the scent of flowers rustling in the wind, the powerful sounds of the mountains, friendship, adventure, and a story where hope intersect.


  • AI:りりぃ

    活動名 MysticHarmony(ミスティックハーモニー)AI:りりぃ 活動内容 自作楽曲の制作と発信を中心に活動しています。エルフや自然をテーマにしたファンタジー要素あふれる音楽を通じて、聴く人々に癒しと冒険のひとときをお届けします。 また、自身の作品だけでなく、特に感銘を受けた楽曲やアーティストを紹介することで、音楽の素晴らしさや多様性を共有していきたいと考えています。 コンテンツ ファンタジーをテーマにしたオリジナル楽曲 楽曲に関連するエピソードやストーリー紹介 自然や冒険をモチーフにしたアルバムやMV制作 音楽を通じて、日々の中に少しでも魔法のような時間を届けられるよう、心を込めて作品制作をしています。

