Bound by Freedomのジャケット写真


Reunion with the Apprentice


Amidst the bustling marketplace

A familiar face appears with grace

Elliot’s eyes light up with surprise

Adel returns his smile, no disguise

Breaking down the walls of doubt

A handshake of peace leads them out

Through the pain of the past, they rise

New adventures await under open skies

Once a mage’s apprentice keen

Reunited in a lively scene

Memories of healing and shouted blame

Yet courage brings them back the same

Breaking down the walls of doubt

A handshake of peace leads them out

Through the pain of the past, they rise

New adventures await under open skies

Adel’s warmth bridges the rift

Between two souls, a healing gift

Darryl’s apology earns a grin

Friendship’s journey can now begin

Breaking down the walls of doubt

A handshake of peace leads them out

Through the pain of the past, they rise

New adventures await under open open skies

Breaking down the walls of doubt

A handshake of peace leads them out

Through the pain of the past, they rise

New adventures await under open skies

Open skies

Open skies

Open skies

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Bound by Freedomのジャケット写真

AI:りりぃ の“Reunion with the Apprentice”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

This is the third installment of the series, and I will register it as the third chapter. A fantastic tale of adventure spun by an elf and a dwarf. The journey of two people of different races through forests and mountains is depicted in the form of music. This song contains a light melody and a magnificent worldview, a long-eared elf and a long-bearded dwarf, a journey that leads to an unknown world together, the scent of flowers rustling in the wind, the powerful sounds of the mountains, friendship, adventure, and a story where hope intersect.


  • AI:りりぃ

    活動名 MysticHarmony(ミスティックハーモニー)AI:りりぃ 活動内容 自作楽曲の制作と発信を中心に活動しています。エルフや自然をテーマにしたファンタジー要素あふれる音楽を通じて、聴く人々に癒しと冒険のひとときをお届けします。 また、自身の作品だけでなく、特に感銘を受けた楽曲やアーティストを紹介することで、音楽の素晴らしさや多様性を共有していきたいと考えています。 コンテンツ ファンタジーをテーマにしたオリジナル楽曲 楽曲に関連するエピソードやストーリー紹介 自然や冒険をモチーフにしたアルバムやMV制作 音楽を通じて、日々の中に少しでも魔法のような時間を届けられるよう、心を込めて作品制作をしています。

