君を迎えた時から 僕は
君と心を交わして 僕は
ずっと これからも この先も ずっと
もっと たくさんの思い出を君と
わんわん にゃんにゃにゃん ぴぃぴぃぴいぴぃ
ちゅうちゅう ぴぃぴぃぴぃ わわわわん
ぴょんぴょんぴょぴょぴょん ちゅうちゅちゅうちゅうちゅう
わん ぴょん ぴぃ ちゅう にゃん
- Lyricist
Samurai Soundwave
- Composer
Samurai Soundwave
- Producer
Samurai Soundwave
- Guitar
Samurai Soundwave
- Bass Guitar
Samurai Soundwave
- Drums
Samurai Soundwave
- Keyboards
Samurai Soundwave
- Synthesizer
Samurai Soundwave
- Vocals
Samurai Soundwave
- Piano
Samurai Soundwave
- Violin
Samurai Soundwave
- Percussion
Samurai Soundwave
Listen to A Big Thank You to Little You by Samurai Soundwave
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A Big Thank You to Little You
Samurai Soundwave
Artist Profile
Samurai Soundwave
I started creating music with DAW Studio One in 2024, driven by a deep desire to share my thoughts on politics, society, and life. Through my music, I aim to give a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves. Although I am not a skilled singer, I have found a powerful way to express my emotions using AI voices and Vocaloid. With the voices of Mai and Ryo from Synthesizer V, I am able to pour my heart into every song. I hope my music reaches those who feel the same passion for change and inspiration.
Samurai Soundwaveの他のリリース