Orion Front Cover



Kohey Togo


凍てつく空に神話を背負い 光を放つ星座よ

人々の群れ見下ろす先に 一体何を見るのか

欲に塗れたこの世の果てに 安息の地を求めた

「泪・憎しみ」、全てを捨てて お前は何を見つめるのだろう

誰かの言葉 信じてみても 嘘に傷ついて

哀しみの先「何かがある」と 自分の気持ち隠した

抱いた「希望・夢」さえ消えて どこへ向かえと言うのだろうか


広げた腕をすり抜けてゆく風よ 導いて欲しい


きっとどこかで待ってる真実の扉を 探しに行く旅が始まるから

ともに歩いて行けるさ 世界の果てまで

この星に誓う I promise the Orion



二人見上げた この星座を

交わる道を信じ 輝く空へ

この星に誓う I promise the Orion

  • Lyricist


  • Composer

    Kohey Togo

Orion Front Cover

Listen to Orion by Kohey Togo

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    Kohey Togo

This is a fragment of a project that happened accidentally due to an accident where Kohey Togo is currently working on a Pops piece.
Composed by: Kohey Togo, lyric by: Mitsu, the former co-writing was reviewed and rearranged from a new perspective.
The drums is Satoshi who has been with Insfeel,Atlantis,and more for many years, and the bassist is Takashi Sato, a giant of Sendai who shows outstanding technique in Red & White.

Here is a piece of music that travels from the past to the future.
