Heart is like a floating cloudのジャケット写真


Heart is like a floating cloud


Heart is like a floating cloud deep in the sky

Everchanging shapes and hues, they look different all the time

Right now, at this moment, in your heart Pu-ka Pu-ka floating cloud

How is it? Show me now! How does your cloud feel?

Peppy Ippy zippy Cumulonimbus Magnificent

Cherry Cheery, Let's get hyped up Fleecy cloud Foo Fluffy Fluff?

Chilly Chilling Relax Relaxed Altocumulus Nonchalant?

Even though somethings happen

Many many things might happen

Something is not right and I don't know what I should do

If it doesn't go well, oh please tell me what to do

I can't bear the feeling of not knowing what to do

Churning, turning into an angry monster

Buzzy Buzzy Foggy Fuzzy Thundercloud's coming down

Growing up and more and more oh! what should I do?

One thing, I just wanna tell him let me tell one thing

Rumble rumble, lightning flash Ka-boom boom

Yelling and screaming If I thunder at him

Even he might, maybe he might close off his ears

Down and down, close his heart he might shutdown totally

Feeling the angry monster I don't know what to do

Don't be mad Let's talk about it Tell me why you feel that way

If it is too hard for you to talk about, Don't worry

You can also write your letter That is OK

So, Slowly, Take your time, That's all you need

Be strong and if you can find the courage to discuss

Buzzy Buzzy Foggy Fuzzy Dark and heavy cloud

Will go away, far away, disappear, so long

I'm so sad, very sad, feeling so alone

Such a bummer Happy Yuppy feeling Bittersweet

All the mixed up feelings growing in my mind

Wanna cry now I feel like crying so hard

Falling down, dripping drip drop, Here's the rainy cloud

Growing bigger more and more what should I do?

In my heart, welling up, almost tearing up

Drizzle rizzle, weeping wimpy, pour pouring out

Rainy tear drops, falling down, let them, otherwise

I'm going to lie to myself keep on lying to me

More and more my poor heart gets heavier and heavier

Don't ever hold back, never hold your feelings back

Wash them out with rainy tear drops, various emotions

If somebody is next to you, if you feel embarrassed

You can hide and cry out of sight It is all right

So, you can cry, That's all right

If you need to let it out, just let it all out!

Rain drops are only spotty, then finally it stops

Within your heart, clearly, you can see a rainbow bridge

Heart is like a floating cloud deep in the sky

Everchanging shapes and hues, they look different all the time

Right now, at this moment, in your heart Pu-ka Pu‐ka floating cloud

How is it? Show me now! How does your cloud feel?

Within your heart, Tell me now, How does your cloud feel?

  • 作詞

    柴田 沙夜香

  • 作曲

    柴田 直寛

Heart is like a floating cloudのジャケット写真

ケチャップマヨネーズ の“Heart is like a floating cloud”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

  • ⚫︎

    Heart is like a floating cloud


Heart is like a floating cloud deep in the sky
Everchanging shapes and hues, they look different all the time
Right now, at this moment, in your heart Pu-ka Pu-ka floating cloud
How is it? Show me now! How does your cloud feel?


  • ケチャップマヨネーズ

    歌のお兄さん&歌のお姉さんの仲良し夫婦[ケチャマヨ]こと、楽しく歌う♪ふうふ【ケチャップマヨネーズ?】です。 小さな頃大好きだった「NHKみんなのうた」のような…老若男女問わず大人も子どもも楽しめる、歌とアニメーションの作品を、妻のサヤカ(ボーカル+絵描き+作詩家)と、夫のナオヒロ(ギター+web制作+作曲家)のふたりで、心を込め創作しています。 ◇YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/KetchupMayonnaiseJP そんな“ケチャマヨ”は2001年結成。 2007年より…目でも耳でも楽しめる、うごく大きな絵があるファミリーコンサートを、全国どこでもお届けし大好評!! 公演実績は700回以上にもなっています。あなたの町のイベントにも、ぜひお呼び寄せください♪ ◆サヤカ/神奈川県藤沢市生まれ・日本デザイナー学院卒 作詞・ハミングのような楽しくやわらかいボーカルと、タンバリンなど小物楽器も演奏。 そして色々なイラスト・キャラクターデザイン・ 遊びなど、アイディア担当。 いつまでも乙女な“歌うイラストポエマー”です。 ◆ナオヒロ/兵庫県たつの市生まれ・鳥取大学卒 作曲・編曲・音楽制作・ギター・ピアノ演奏はもちろん、発表の場であるホームページも制作。 またアニメーション作品や動画編集、写真撮影なども手がけるなど、なんでもできちゃうマルチなクリエイターです。

