Only for you i can write these wordsのジャケット写真

Only for you i can write these words

Laur Pihel & Greta Liisa Grünberg


※ 試聴は反映までに時間がかかる場合があります。
※ 著作権管理事業者等が管理する楽曲は試聴できません。

The first EP by Laur Pihel & Greta Liisa Grünberg will be released from Schole Records.

"88 piano keys create a world of endless possibilities. At some point the music arises and flows by itself from moment to moment.
This music aims for a beautiful, minimalistic and soft piano sound. It gives expression to the essential things that cannot be put into words.. "

Laur Pihel has played and studied the piano since he was 12. He has created piano music for himself for over 10 years. Now he's music was recently released on 1631 label.
Greta Liisa Grünberg is currently studying traditional singing in University of Tartu, Viljandi Culture Academy. She has done different projects with various styles and musicians and is aiming for a natural and ancient sound with the voice.


Schole Records