

Hello, Siren

Stray Stranger

I was booting up my sound and walking on the ground

A spider lily is smiled in the Dystopia

I wanna dive into the Xanadu

Cuz you're singing there now

Even if I lost my body, my spirit doesn't change

Float away

Float away

It's time to the end

Float away

Float away

It's time to the end

I was turning off my sound and swimming in the water

A Siren was call me

She said "Come here right now"

I wanna give you this song

Cuz I think your voice is adorable

Even if I took time until now, I decided it

Float away

Float away

It's time to the end

Float away

Float away

It's time to the end

(I wish I could) Let it go right now, but it's okay

(Because of you) I able to connected to you

(In your world) I don't care anymore

I was booting up my mind

Even if I lost my body, It is me

Float away

Float away

It's time to the end

Float away

Float away

It's time to the end

Float away

Float away

  • 作詞

    Stray Stranger

  • 作曲

    Stray Stranger


Stray Stranger の“Hello, Siren”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


  • Stray Stranger

    Stray Strangerは「音楽を通して架空世界への旅を提供する」プロジェクトです。 SF×民俗学のファンタジックな世界観を標榜しています。 キャッチコピーは「Be Travel, Be Narrative.」

