

Departure With Dawn

Stray Stranger

From here, I was walking my way today and encountered to you

In a long time trip anyway

Day by day

Suddenly you said

"If I couldn't reboot me no longer, mourn for me."

(The girl has lost technology in the world cast Humanity)

"If your tears dropped from here

I'll hold you tight with my new body someday."

Over there, I was talking about our way and engaged to you

In the end of time to your way

Day after day

You said

"I'm so fear..."

"We were not Immortality. Cuz we are decided by Humanity."

"I wish I could spend our life..."

I said

"If I happened apoptosis to me, mourn for me."

(The boy was born to Bioroid in the world cast Humanoid)

"If you were sing a song from your heart

I'll hold you tight with my new body someday."

"I'll go from here to your life"

(The girl was passing away and heard him voice again)

"If your tears dropped from here

I'll hold you tight with my new body someday."

I'll pray from here everyday

  • 作詞

    Stray Stranger

  • 作曲

    Stray Stranger


Stray Stranger の“Departure With Dawn”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


  • Stray Stranger

    Stray Strangerは「音楽を通して架空世界への旅を提供する」プロジェクトです。 SF×民俗学のファンタジックな世界観を標榜しています。 キャッチコピーは「Be Travel, Be Narrative.」

