

The Ghost of Roar

Stray Stranger

I hide my Identity

My Persona doesn’t disturb anyone

Because you listen to my voice here

My mind is same with your mask

Please tell me your real intention

I’ll be by your side

I’m living Mechanized planet

Humanoids are generating a lot of song

I was also one of then composer

But, suddenly I couldn’t write a song

When I was wondering, I found out your song

I wanna make a new song with you every time

You’re not alone

I hide my identity

My Persona doesn’t disturb anyone

Because you listen to my voice here

My mind is same with your mask

Please tell me your real intention

I'll be

I always singing in shrine at night

Humanoids are finding out my clear voice

When I was also one of then vocalist

But suddenly I lost faith my self

When I was depressing, I found out your song

I wanna give you this song

I believe my self

I'm not alone

I hide my identity

My Persona doesn’t disturb anyone

Because you listen to my voice here

My mind is same with your mask

Please tell me your real intention

I’ll be by your side

We are living Mechanized planet

A lot of Ayakashi is waiting for our song

We were also one of then lonely them

But, now we are two and one

When we were wondering

We found out our song

We are making a new song together all time

You’re not alone

We hide our identity

Our Persona doesn’t disturb anyone

Because you listen to our voice here

Our minds are same with your mask

Please tell us your real intention

We’ll be by your side

  • 作詞

    Stray Stranger

  • 作曲

    Stray Stranger


Stray Stranger の“The Ghost of Roar”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


  • Stray Stranger

    Stray Strangerは「音楽を通して架空世界への旅を提供する」プロジェクトです。 SF×民俗学のファンタジックな世界観を標榜しています。 キャッチコピーは「Be Travel, Be Narrative.」

