R∞M TOUR Front Cover



Track List

  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music

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The beatmaker unit "R∞M TOUR" by KOYANMUSIC and B.T.Reo 440 has started!

KOYANMUSIC and B.T.REO 440 of SD JUNKSTA, who produce the sounds of various domestic HIPHOP artists while continuing to create their own works, have teamed up again since the collaborative beat tape "Tasty!" featuring rapper HYDRO as BNJ and singer-songwriter FiJA in 2021 to complete this work.

These two continue to hone their sense and skills every day, and the works they have released as the crystallization of their work are art that they can be proud of no matter when they look back.
The beatmaker unit "R∞M TOUR" is a fusion of the two to elevate each other to a higher dimension, more deeply and precisely, and as ideas flash.
The first work is based on HIPHOP, which is the axis of both of them, and has a chic finish unified with the scent of JAZZ that stands quietly in black throughout the entire work.
Its sophisticated elegance creates a unique sound that is truly a coexistence of contradictions.

Artist Profile

  • R∞M TOUR

    The beat maker unit R∞M TOUR by KOYANMUSIC and B.T.Reo 440 has started! SD JUNKSTA's KOYANMUSIC and B.T.REO 440, who continue to produce the sounds of various HIPHOP artists in Japan while also creating their own works, will release a co-produced beat featuring rapper HYDRO as BNJ and singer-songwriter FiJA in 2021. Since the tape Tasty!, they have teamed up again and completed a beat album. Taking this opportunity, we started our activities as the beat maker unit R∞M TOUR while being considerate of the neighborhood!

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    R∞M TOURの他のリリース

    ■KOYANMUSIC プロフィール 神奈川県相模原市出身。地元のクルー「SD JUNKSTA」のメンバーでありKYN名義で長年ラッパーとして活動し6枚のラップアルバムの他にEP作品,レコード,ビートテープなどをリリースし続けている。近年は主にプロデューサー、ミキシング及びマスタリングエンジニアとして尽力。国内の様々なアーティストのサウンドをデザインしている。また休止していたLIVE活動を2024年より再開。RC-505mkIIループステーションを駆使してその場でビートメイク〜アレンジを加えたループ上でラップを披露している。ビートボックス、バイオリン、ピアノ、ベース等複数の演奏アビリティ持ち。全曲オリジナルビートによるDJ活動も連動中。 (KOYANMUSIC.主なプロデュース作品) NORIKIYO「五月雨」「待ち合わせ feat.柊人」 BRON-K「Won't Be Lonely」 句潤×KOYANMUSIC「日の出」 SHINGO★西成「893」「おはようさんからおやすみまで」 E.G.G.MAN「雲外蒼天」「OMAENIAITAI」 SALU「NIPPONIA NIPPON」「K1500」 SALU×NORIKIYO「2021 freestyle」 ゆるふわギャング「MADRUS NIGHT PART.2 feat.鎮座DOPENESS」 SHINKAN1000 FREEZ「LIFE」田我流「WALKIN」BAY4K「命の灯」 5lack「空想」FiJA「WAGAMAMA EP」 Yohei Chris「ビューン!」「影と幸せ」「素直になりたくて」 Qugo「STAY」「産地直送」 深南相模 etc...

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  • B.T.Reo 440

    Born in Nishitama, Tokyo, Japan. Active as a beat maker. Performs beat live using "SP404" in various places. Releases his own beat tapes and songs with various artists (Chinza DOPENESS, BES, Chouji, Hiiragito, etc.). Provides music for movies and corporate commercials. Also, a collaborative album with "rajabrooke", a total brand focusing on apparel that blends Japanese and Southeast Asian sensibilities, is in the works, and he is active in a wide range of fields

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    B.T.Reo 440の他のリリース