



After work, you texted me and saying will be there in 10

It was too early to freshen up

Thank god 15 mins later you showed up

(On the way to mine, )

You were holding my hand all the time

I had been sweaty all the time

Why you seem so natural

You stole my lips

And giggle like a kid

Walking towards my room

Lovely night with a full moon

I know this is kinda room from a chick flick

…But you adore it

Let’s make our love story

Oh no this scent again

That eau de toilette

ゆれる水面 しのび寄る黒い影に

かけられたmagic fresh and woody magic

Oh sweep away every past we have

Still not sure how I should call for this relationship

It was okay before but I might need a name for this

You never give a chance to talk about it

I am not satisfied if people call this “friendship”

DPR LIVE also sings

“The way you kiss me is also rude”

I know I should make this time very last time

…But I adore it

Let’s not think about it for now

Oh no this scent again

That eau de toilette

ゆれる水面 しのび寄る黒い影に

かけられたmagic fresh and woody magic

Oh sweep away every past we have

  • 作詞


  • 作曲

    Nanami, MFDP

  • プロデューサー



Nanami の“FINE”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

  • ⚫︎




  • Nanami

    埼玉県生まれ。14歳でシンガーを志し、19歳で単身渡米。渡米後ジャズに出会い、サキソフォニストに転向。後にジャズ、ポップス、ミュージカル、クラシックといった様々なシーンでウッドウィンドプレイヤーとして活躍。帰国後は、ソングライティング、シンガーとしてのキャリアもスタート。現在は「ニュークラシック」をテーマに、オールディーズの要素を落とし込んだ現代音楽を制作している。 사이타마현 출생. 14세에 싱어에 뜻을 두고, 19세에 단신도미.도미 후 재즈를 만나 색소포니스트로 전향.나중에 재즈, 팝, 뮤지컬, 클래식과 같은 다양한 장면에서 우드 윈드플레이어로 활약.귀국 후에는 송라이팅, 싱어로서의 캐리어도 스타트.현재는 뉴 클래식을 주제로 올디스의 요소를 넣은 현대음악을 제작하고 있다.

