Just Us Twoのジャケット写真


Just Us Two

taiti, Udio

Baby, when the night is calm

It's your hand that's holding mine

Don't need no big words or charm

In silence, our love will shine

The world outside can rush and race

But here with you, it's a gentle pace

Just us two, in the quiet of the night

Love in stillness, everything’s alright

No need for the grand, just me and you

Our love’s in the silence, pure and true

In moments where no words are said

It’s your presence that I adore

Every touch, every glance instead

Is worth a thousand words and more

Together, time seems to stand still

In your arms, I'm feeling the thrill

Just us two, in the quiet of the night

Love in stillness, everything’s alright

No need for the grand, just me and you

Our love’s in the silence, pure and true

Oh, we don’t need the noise, the grandeur or light

Our love’s in the whispers, in holding tight

In each heartbeat, in each breath anew

I find my heaven, being with you

Just us two, in the quiet of the night

Love in stillness, everything’s alright

No need for the grand, just me and you

Our love’s in the silence, pure and true

  • 作詞

    taiti, Udio

  • 作曲

    taiti, Udio

Just Us Twoのジャケット写真

taiti, Udio の“Just Us Two”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

Just Us Two

taiti, Udio

  • ⚫︎

    Just Us Two

    taiti, Udio


  • taiti

    テクノロジーに夢中な東京千葉県民。ただし、パソコンの大先生程度。 「AIで音楽を作る時代?じゃあ僕も乗っかってみよう!」という軽い気持ちで始めた音楽制作が、気づけば本気に。デビュー曲「Just Us Two」は、AIと二人三脚で完成させた一曲。でも実際は、AIに引っ張られっぱなしだったとか。 好きな音楽のジャンルは特になく、その日の気分と天気次第。


  • Udio

