

You and Me


You can just stay the way you've always been

I will just stay the way I've always been

Bring little kindness to be gathered to make into a bonfire

You don't have to pretend to be someone

Someone you might think way better than you

I'd rather would want to be the one who you can just be free as a child

There are so many things that won't come true to you

You are the one and only you

True nature never changes

Something keeps holding you

Time will keep flowing away

Everything around you will be your precious memory

I wish you stay just the way you are

And I will stay just the way I am

We are all different which is simply fun

We can smile and laugh together

Like the sun rises and sets everyday

We tend to take things for granted sometimes

I wonder how long we have till the end

When we finally say good bye

Life can be harsh on us, the rise and fall of the tide

I was just comfortable

To have you around me always

I can see you are there

You are breathing your life

When we're to born again

I wish we can come across again

I really really hope

You can hear me pray for you

That I am grateful to all

Very thankful today

  • 作詞


  • 作曲



由潮 の“You and Me”を


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  • 由潮

    由潮(ゆしお)/ YUSHIO 1月19日生まれ。作詞家。シンガーソングライター。 武蔵野美術大学 視覚伝達デザイン学科卒業。 ギタリストであった父親の影響から音楽をはじめ、高校生の時に本格的に音楽活動を開始。 メジャー経験の後にシンガーソングライターとして楽曲を制作し続ける。 またコロナ禍では、ママアーティストチームであるオカンノオトのメンバーと共に、 ミュージカル歌手とのコラボ、絵本や童謡をモチーフにした作品、 学童のBGMなど、様々な楽曲制作に取り組む。 2022年にはアルバム「ゆしおうた+」を全国配信。 メジャーアーティストへの楽曲提供や、CMの歌唱なども行う傍ら、施設やカフェでのライブも行う。



