Strip4 Front Cover




You spread the jelly beans on floor and talk about the space

‘There is a parade in Mercury and I want to go there now

We might not get back here, but I don’t care. 

What do you say?’ You are asking me now

I have to make my mind up because there is a space ship waiting in the backyard


So we have fxxked up and no hope in here. Is that true?

We are going to fly up and no fear anymore?

Well, whatever you say you are my best friend

We are going to buckle up and off we go 

You’ve drunk cherry coke and lemonade and talked about the space.‘

There is a party in Mercury and I want to go there now

We might not get back here, but I don’t care

What do you say?’ You are asking me now

I have to make my mind up because there is a spaceship Which is ready to take

Off now Jake!

So we have fxxked up and no hope in here. Is that true?

We are going to fly up and no fear anymore?

Well, whatever you say you are my best friend

We are going to buckle up and off we go 

I see a small star behind. That one must be the earth

The sorrow has melted and I feel so high

I have no anxiety now. I feel so free completely

So we are fxxking free!

So, Jake!  We have fxxked up and no hope in there. Is that true?

We are going to fly up and no fear anymore?

Well, whatever you say you are my best friend

We are going to buckle up

We are flying high we are flying high 

Now gear up then Off we go! Off we go!

Don’t look back now Just look forward!

Off we go! Off we go! We’ll get there soon

Warp drive!

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Strip4 Front Cover

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  • Strip4

    Rucy [Vo], Kei [Gt], O-chan [Ba], Koi [Dr] The members gradually joined together from around 2017, and the current members were gathered around 2019, and they started performing live in Chiba, Tokyo, Saitama, etc. . With roots in PUNK, ROCK, and GRUNGE, each member brings their own individuality and continues to pursue their own feel-good music, from hard to pop sounds. One of its charms is vocalist Rucy's powerful singing voice and worldwide lyrics that mix Japanese, English, Russian, etc. strip4 is a Japanese rock band. punk . rock . music

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