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This is the first collaboration work by the music unit "Ladder", "Now You, I Now". The three members' sensibilities intersect and mingle in this work, which features guest Yotaro Yagi, a singer-songwriter based in Hamamatsu, Japan. The title of the song is about now and you, me and now. Linda's core vocals tighten the emotions in OVASE's songs, while Yotaro Yagi's groovy voice and guitar add warmth to the music. The song depicts the "present" at the intersection of nostalgia and novelty, sadness and hope. The three members, who grew up in different places, intersect at this moment and become one sound.

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  • Ladder

    ボーカルのLindaと作曲家OVASEで組まれた音楽ユニット "Ladder"。 様々な苦難や経験を登りゆく様を名前の由来とし、2018年に結成。 Lindaは作詞、作曲に携わりながらボーカルとしてLadderの楽曲のメロディを制作。 OVASEは楽曲制作に加え、モーションデザイン、グラフィックデザインなど活動は多岐にわたる。

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  • Yagi Yotaro

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