Gonna write a song for rain
Put a word in from my pain
I should have followed the sun?
Or should I wait for what's next come?
Taking look outside
I try to find what’s in my mind
Drops falling from the leaves
Let me know the way I feel
Now we are all the same
Just stay in our own bed
The rain came out of nowhere
It tore us apart then
Lately I dream of you
In my same old room
We have too much to do?
Or just nothing to lose?
Now airport is closed
I’ve lost my way
We must be strong
It’s time to change
I’m older than I wish to be
My eyes can’t see
Try to sing “Forever Young”
But the chords have slipped my mind
Tell me what would you do
If you were in my shoes?
I’m wondering such a thing and you say
"Only to shine is not our life"
All I’d like to find Is always inside
Gonna write a song for rain
Put a word in from my pain
I should have followed the sun?
Or should I wait for what's next come?
Now we are all the same
Just stay in own bed
The rain came out of nowhere
It tore us apart then
Now airport is closed
I’ve lost my way
We must be strong
For brand new day
- Lyricist
Mitsugu Yamamoto
- Composer
Mitsugu Yamamoto
Listen to Song For Rain by Epstein
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Song For Rain
Epstein "Song For Rain"
The Loop ballad.
28, June, 2020, out
Artist Profile
Epstein (Mitsugu Yamamoto) The Looper, One Man Psychedelic Orchestra, based in central Japan. In August 2018, He took the first UK tour and performed at over 15 places include the stage in connection with Manchester Psych Festival 2019.