Chill Work:おしゃれなおうち時間Chill House Lounge (DJ Mix)のジャケット写真

Chill Work:おしゃれなおうち時間Chill House Lounge (DJ Mix)

Cafe lounge resort


※ 試聴は反映までに時間がかかる場合があります。
※ 著作権管理事業者等が管理する楽曲は試聴できません。

リモートワーク、自宅作業を心地よくするためのLounge DJ Mixコンピレーション!おしゃれでテンポのいいChill House音源を、みんなが知ってるカバー曲なども挟みつつ、全50曲収録!スムースな流れで進んでいくので、自宅での仕事、勉強などの作業中のBGMとしてぴったり!


Chill Work:おしゃれなおうち時間Chill House Lounge (DJ Mix)

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Shape of My Heart

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Strength Of Creation

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Changing The Air (Strength Of Creation Part 2)

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Back To Work (Strength Of Creation Part 3)

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Blue is the Day

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Song of the Sky (Blue is the Day Part 2)

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Bluer Than You (Blue is the Day Part 3)

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Eternal Horizon (Blue is the Day Part 4)

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Time After Time

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Lonely And Tales (Lullaby Of Home Part 3)

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Under Blue Skies

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Clear Skies (Under Blue Skies Part 2)

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Bridge Of Mind

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Losing Control (Bridge Of Mind Part 2)

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Wide Open (Is It A River? Part 3)

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You Gotta Be

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Light Of Freedom

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Dream My Shadow (Light Of Freedom Part 2)

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Perfect Atmosphere

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Wheels of Destiny

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Hot Wheels (Wheels of Destiny Part 2)

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Drive Happy (Wheels of Destiny Part 3)

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Tire Brigade (Wheels of Destiny Part 4)

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Just the Two of Us

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Gimme A Break Sometimes

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Cool And Joys (Gimme A Break Sometimes Part 2)

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Talking To Myself (Gimme A Break Sometimes Part 3)

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