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英語・日本語・タガログ語をメインに多言語を操り注目を集める次世代マルチリンガル・フィメールラッパー・ E.V.P(イーヴィーピー)が、2月28日(金)にサードシングル『You hate me so I hate you』を各音楽配信サイトにてリリース!
かねてより、Evee名義でTikTokでの自作ラップ投稿やラップスタア王者のeydenとの客演曲が巷で噂となり、昨年E.V.Pとして「Kobra」でソロデビューするやいなや、そのずば抜けたラップスキルと圧倒的な存在感が瞬く間に注目を集め、続く2ndシングル「PAROPARO G」では、長年日本語ラップ界を牽引してきた鎮座DOPNESSと田我流が客演参加し、バイレファンキのトラックに三者三様のユーモアあふれるラップが大きな話題を呼び、その後も盟友のシンガー・Ashleyの楽曲「No Control」に昨年のラップスタアで2位に輝いたCharluと共に客演、更に直近では(※現時点では情報解禁前につき詳細別途)、4月に日本武道館を控える人気アーティスト・LANAの楽曲「花・魁」に、新進気鋭のIFE、Medusa Ariaと共に参加し、人気企画「Red Bull RASEN」に出演するなど、益々注目度が増すE.V.Pが待望の新曲をリリース。
3作目となる『You hate me so I hate you』は、Jersey Clubと エレクトロサウンドが融合する心地よいトラックに合わせ、S N Sなどで否定的な意見を言ってくる顔の見えない人たちに対して、タイトル通り「あなたが私を嫌いなら、私も嫌いだから」というテーマをもとに、周りに何を言われても気にせず自分を信じて笑って生きよう!というメッセージが込められ、タイトルを繰り返すキャッチーでメロディアスなサビは思わず口ずさみたくなる、誰しもが明るい気持ちになれるポジティブソングとなっている。
また、リリース後には、E.V.Pの公式Youtubeチャンネルにて、本曲のパフォーマンスビデオ(by NEOWN)も公開予定。
E.V.P : Born on December 26th , 1999. Both lived in Japan and the Philippines. A next-generation multilingual female rapper who is fluent in English, Japanese, Tagalog, and other languages. She has loved listening to music and singing since she was in elementary school, and gradually got hooked on hip-hop when She was able to memorize and rap to the songs of popular American female rapper Nicki Minaj, who was a big hit at that time. Meanwhile, in her personal life, her father, an English teacher, moved from the Philippines to Japan when she was one year old, which led to frequent visits to Japan herself , and the family settled in Japan when she graduated from elementary school. While being bullied and harassed at school due to her inability to speak Japanese well in the first few years, she began to write personal English poems about the pain, frustration, and sometimes anger she felt that she could not express to anyone, and in high school, she put them into lyrics and rhymes and tried putting her own rap music on free beats she found on the Internet for the first time. When she posted it on social networking sites, she received an unexpected response, and she began posting her own raps for the first time. She was approached by LUNA, a veteran rapper who has been active in a wide range of fields from hip-hop to entertainment for many years and has recently produced the new generation R&B singer Ashley, who saw her talent and began producing a full-fledged demo. In the meantime, she has performed under the name Evee on the song "Shake Dat Booty" by the next generation rapper Ken Francis, together with the rapstar king Eyden. Recently, she performed on newcomer Vega KfK's "Cheddar cheese" Remix with Korean rapper Hijvc, and even though she has not yet made her debut, her outstanding rap skills and overwhelming presence make her a unique talent. In 2024, she signed an official contract with JCC TOKYO, a label production company that has been producing numerous hip-hop and R&B artists, and in April, starting with her long-awaited debut song "Kobra," she overturned the concept and conventional wisdom of female rappers in the Japanese hip-hop scene.