Lotus Flower Front Cover


Lotus Flower

Koko Vienne, Juicy Hip Apartment

I am a lotus

I am a lotus

I am a lotus flower

I was born to be

Kissed by the sun

Morning dews dripping on me

How I'm glad to be found

I have no fears

I have no tears

I grew up under muddiest waters

The place of my own

I am a lotus

I am a lotus

I am a lotus flower

I've had hailstones

Hitting me hard

Now I see my petals float

Soon it's time for me to leave

I have no fears

I have no more tears

I'll stay strong

Under muddiest waters

Until I see you next life time

I am a lotus

I am a lotus flower flower

I have no fears

I have no tears

I am a

I am a lotus flower

  • Lyricist

    Koko Vienne

  • Composer

    Koko Vienne, Juicy Hip Apartment

Lotus Flower Front Cover

Listen to Lotus Flower by Koko Vienne, Juicy Hip Apartment

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Lotus Flower

Koko Vienne, Juicy Hip Apartment

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    Lotus Flower

    Koko Vienne, Juicy Hip Apartment

This song was inspired by songs by of Nai Palm, an artist that Koko Vienne is heavily influenced by, and also the style of gospel music that guitarist KKJ listens to.

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