


False Your Name

I'm tired of being alone at night

It's first time feeling something like this

Never before

Never ever

I wanted love even if it was fake

And it’s still the same even now

I don't know how to get escaped from here

It's slowly killing me inside

No one can cure my pain

The colors turn into black and blue

Opening up the fear that I can't control

Screaming out to clean the mess I've made

Now is the time to rise from the ashes anew

Everytime I tell I love you, well I ain't

I don't know love caz I've never imagined to be with anyone else

Never never never never ever

I wish the world would set me free



Never never ever ever ever

No matter what they say that I'm a mess

When I was paralyzed

I found a light that understands my soul


No one can cure my pain

The colors turn into black and blue

Opening up the fear I can't control

Screaming out to clean the mess I've made

It will heal and warm you, chasing shadows away

Everytime I tell I love you, well I ain't

I don't know love caz I've never imagined to be with anyone else

Never never never never ever

I wish the world would set me free



Never ever ever ever ever

No matter what they say that I'm a mess

Heartache, Sadness, keep in yourself

Regardless of outfield just the way you are

Denying, Envy, keep in yourself

Just believe in yourself

No matter what they say that I'm a mess



Never never never never ever

No matter what they say that I'm a mess

I'm tired of being alone at night

It's first time feeling something like this

Never before

  • 作詞

    False Your Name

  • 作曲

    False Your Name

  • プロデューサー

    False Your Name

  • ギター

    False Your Name

  • ベースギター

    False Your Name

  • ドラム

    False Your Name

  • ボーカル

    False Your Name


False Your Name の“Empty”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


  • False Your Name

    False Your Name(フォールスユアネーム)は2000年代のラウドロックを軸に、メタルコアのサウンドや特徴を取り入れた楽曲をメインに活動する東京発のバンド

