I have nothing to say in such a messed up world
Made a fool out of wish
Can't speak about nothing
[Break down! You wanna kick me down, and over the corpse?]
[Break down! Don't you xxxxing run away from us.]
[You realize that its not the end, Don't you?]
[All right! Lets go to paradise.]
Steel the heart. From here, it'll be started
Phasing up tweaking
For the heartless battle between you and me is ready to stand
Oh we've grown up
For the heartless battle between you and me getting us stronger
Paralyzed, It's my heart
[steel the heart.]
I can not move now
Had time to think about it
Rememberd what I wanted to do
[Break it down]
Steel the heart. From here, it'll be started
Phasing up tweaking
For the heartless battle between you and me is ready to stand
Oh we've grown up
For the heartless battle between you and me getting us stronger
Paralyzed, It's my heart
[steel the heart.]
[Breaiking the limit]
[Over the limit]
[Wake up]
- 作詞
False Your Name
- 作曲
False Your Name
- プロデューサー
False Your Name
- ギター
False Your Name
- ベースギター
False Your Name
- ドラム
False Your Name
- ボーカル
False Your Name
False Your Name の“Over The Limit”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
False Your Name
False Your Name(フォールスユアネーム)は2000年代のラウドロックを軸に、メタルコアのサウンドや特徴を取り入れた楽曲をメインに活動する東京発のバンド