Courage Melody Front Cover


Courage Melody


あなたの夢を見た 気づけばいつもと変わらない朝

少し寒くなったな コートを片手に向かう駅までの道

ふとした時あの日がよみがえる あなたの「声」「笑顔」「温もり」が当たり前になってた

「人生」たくさん失敗したっていい たくさん後悔してもいい 大事なのは「今」

感じた苦しみさえ 辛く流した涙もこれからは「力」に

今日を強く生き抜いて行く それが明日のボクをきっと輝かせる





「今は」誰に笑われてもいい 馬鹿にされたとしてもいい 大事なのはそう



必ず誰かが君をみている 君は1人なんかじゃない

たった一つでもいい 自分を理解してくれる宝物を大切にして


誰に笑われてもいい 馬鹿にされたとしてもいい



今日も信じ生き抜いて行く それが未来のキミをきっと輝かせる

自分を信じ また歩き出そう幸せな未来へと続くこの道を

  • Lyricist

    YU-KI,, KO-KI

  • Composer

    YU-KI,, KO-KI

Courage Melody Front Cover

Listen to Courage Melody by OGi

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    Courage Melody


Based on my own past life experiences, there have been times when I have turned away from painful things and suffering, lost myself and ran away.

But there will always come a time when you have to face it. I have learned that how I lived my life until the timing of that moment is important.

The most important thing to remember amidst the changing emotions and choices we must overcome is not to lose ourselves,

It is to not lose yourself. The desire to make the next connection to someone or something.

I realized that only the necessary things will happen in life.

When I look back, the path I have taken is a trail and a confidence." With the theme of "cherish the present", I wrote this song with the belief that I want to be close to someone's feelings and that it will make me shine in the future.

Translated with (free version)

Artist Profile

  • OGi

    OGi is a unit of brothers YU-KI and KO-KI from Kanagawa Prefecture. They began writing songs together in 2023, and started performing in Tokyo and their hometown of Kanagawa in January 2024. Although they grew up listening to songs from childhood, and have completely different voices, they weave their songs in harmony in a wide range of styles, from DTM to storytelling.

    Artist page


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