Heart's Moment Front Cover


Heart's Moment

Knoll Song

Quiet whispers call

Heart’s echo through it all

Soft and clear, it lights the way

Guiding us from day to day

Heart's echo, pure and true

Dreams and hopes come into view

In this sound, we find our place

Heart's echo, always grace

When the world feels far and wide

Heart’s echo stays inside

In the silence, in the song

We find where we belong

Heart's echo, pure and true

Dreams and hopes come into view

In this sound, we find our place

Heart's echo, always grace

When the world feels far and wide

Heart’s echo stays inside

In the silence, in the song

We find where we belong

As the moments softly flow

Heart’s echo guides us so

In each beat and every tone

Heart's echo leads us home

Heart's echo, pure and true

Dreams and hopes come into view

In this sound, we find our place

Heart's echo, always grace

As the moments softly flow

Heart’s echo guides us so

In each beat and every tone

Heart's echo leads us home

  • Lyricist

    Knoll Song

  • Composer

    Knoll Song

  • Producer

    Knoll Song

  • Programming

    Knoll Song

Heart's Moment Front Cover

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    Heart's Moment

    Knoll Song

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