Sweet Tear Front Cover


Sweet Tear


I've just come through

I'm tough but I'm blue

Found myself be in love and didn't get it

Cause I'm not that smart

Till we're far apart

Seeing fingerpost

Driving you home

But wanted you more

I feel that I didn't think it was the golden time

And I just been paralyzed

Falling in love, exhausted

Why I can't say that I'm in love

Words are coming inside that you

Stay with me then

Brain is paining in love

That you're gone

I've just come through

I'm tough but I'm blue

Found myself be in love and didn't get it

Cause I'm not that smart

Till we're far apart

Seeing fingerpost

Driving you home

But wanted you more

I feel that I didn't think it was the golden time

And I just been paralyzed

Falling in love, exhausted

Why I can't say that I'm in love

Words are coming inside that you

Stay with me then

Brain is paining in love

That you're gone


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Sweet Tear Front Cover

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