A Gang Of Wanderers
Kosuke Tamai, Tamachan, DEJI
アテンション・プリーズ アテンション・プリーズ
地球上の全火山が噴火したみてぇな あっちぃshit!
This is A Gang of Wanderers 聞きなよ motherfxxkers !
Wanderers 多摩立川 集う半端ない
Wanderers ぶち上げに来た 俺ら NO.1
Wanderers The time is comin’だ 待ったなし
A Gang of Wanderers A Gang of Wanderers
A Gang of Wanderers
肥前佐賀発 武州多摩行きのアホンダラ
各地転々として そろそろ出番だな
変幻自在のパス チアゴアルカンタラ
ばりのダイナモ スタートが最下層
でもupset 繰り返す さぁ歌い出そう
仕事の時間 優勝請負人
This is a gang gang 目が爛々
準備万端 しなcount down
皆 bounce bounceさす 1バース
入れん間髪 何度も(Bang bang bang)
スティービー唸る ワンダラーズ
「isn't he lovely ?」「No, he is scandalous!」
なWanderersが ガバナンスの カルナバルは まるで
カルト宗教(俺ら そう)
日常 空虚 アブソリュート ダストシュート(ballerrrr)
瘋癲 流浪か はたまた バガボンド
傍から 見たならば ワハハ本舗
そんな バカなこと が我が本望
また混沌 バグるマザーボードから生放送
ずっと東京 地元ちゃっ地元
23区より安いし いい居心地
自然多けりゃ 川も綺麗
でもなんか足りねぇから 火つけ色付けにきたぜ
腕がありゃ行くて 数多の球団
渡り歩き 優勝へと導き出す
持ち合わす 投打力
観衆を頷かす A Gang of Wanderers
Wanderers 多摩立川 集う半端ない
Wanderers ぶち上げに来た 俺ら NO.1
Wanderers The time is comin’だ 待ったなし
A Gang of Wanderers A Gang of Wanderers
Hey 涌井 ダルビッシュ
のよう各地で確実 着実に
Holly shit like A Gang of Wanderers yo
Still we rap 妨害発生 されど コマゲン comi′at ya
We'll be back 目標達成するまで止まらん ターミネーター
Feel it now
立川発 確かなラップ
耳にしたやつ 何か変わる
相変わらず ハイパーな奴
たまちゃん タマコウ DEJI
共に働こう 立つこのステージ
こけら落とす NEW SHIT!
Wanderers 多摩立川 集う半端ない
Wanderers ぶち上げに来た 俺ら NO.1
Wanderers The time is comin’だ 待ったなし
A Gang of Wanderers A Gang of Wanderers
Wanderers 多摩立川 集う半端ない
Wanderers ぶち上げに来た 俺ら NO.1
Wanderers The time is comin’だ 待ったなし
A Gang of Wanderers A Gang of Wanderers
- Lyricist
DEJI, Tamachan, Kosuke Tamai
- Composer
DEJI, Tamachan, Kosuke Tamai

Listen to A Gang Of Wanderers by Kosuke Tamai, Tamachan, DEJI
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A Gang Of Wanderers
Kosuke Tamai, Tamachan, DEJI
- ⚫︎
A Gang Of Wanderers
Kosuke Tamai, Tamachan, DEJI
Three MCs with a combined career spanning over 50 years.
DEJI is known for his songs in the ``Super Rap'' series with KEN THE 390 and TARO SOUL, and has released nine albums.
Tama-chan, the winner of the "B BOY PARK 2011 Kanto Tournament" who appeared in "Freestyle Dungeon" with KMC.
Tamai Kosuke is a former member of Umeda Cypher and a runner-up in "B BOY PARK U20 2011".
This is the first song released by the group ``A Gang Of Wanderers'', which was formed by the three of them after they met in West Tokyo.
An upper-class tune featuring skillful mic relay over an old-school track.
The track is by Nicchome, who is known for providing tracks to DUSTY HUSKY, S-kaine, Kujun, Silent Killa Joint, etc.
Artist Profile
Kosuke Tamai
Started rapping at the age of 16. At Cypher in Umeda, Osaka, he has been honing his freestyle skills for over 10 years with R-Rakuten, Funku, TakeM and others. Active as "Koppepan" with R-Rating, KOPERU, Peppe bomb and others. Later withdrew. 2011 B-BOY PARK under 20 runner-up. As a member of Umeda Cypher, he participated in their 1st album ``SEE YA AT THE FOOTBRIDGE'' and 3rd album ``Never Get Old.'' Live at Zepp Divercity etc. Currently withdrawing. He has performed live in more than 10 countries including the United States, Germany, Cuba, and Myanmar. In 2019, moved to the Goto Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture. In 2022, he will release the album "G.O.T.O." based on his experiences in the Goto Islands. Life in the Goto Islands was covered and broadcast on Nippon Television's ``One Minute of Deep Stories that Will Change Your Life.'' Two of the songs included, ``Good Death'' and ``Great Satisfaction'', will be featured and broadcast on All Night Nippon. Currently, they have released 2 albums, 1 EP, and 30 singles. Currently, I live in two locations: Tokyo and America.
Kosuke Tamaiの他のリリース