DDD Front Cover




In the age of screens, we lose our minds

Scrolling, tapping, through the daily grind

Echoes of laughter, but we're feeling blind

In the digital maze, truth's hard to find

Pushing buttons, we're all just drones

Living through pixels, not flesh and bones

In this digital revolt, we take a stand

Break the chains of the virtual land

Reclaim the real, touch with our hands

In the digital revolt, we make our plans

Influencers rule, but they don't care

Selling us dreams, but the cupboards bare

Reality's warped, it's beyond repair

In the digital storm, we must beware

Log off, wake up, break the spell

From the digital trap, we'll rise and rebel

In this digital revolt, we take a stand

Break the chains of the virtual land

Reclaim the real, touch with our hands

In the digital revolt, we make our plans

Lost in code, we forget the sound

Of the world outside, where life is found

Disconnect, reset, we’re earthbound

In this digital revolt, let’s come around

In the digital revolt, our voices blend

Back to reality, the message we send

From virtual chains, we find the end

In the digital revolt, our lives amend

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DDD Front Cover

Listen to DDD by Jonah

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