That's Lifeのジャケット写真


I'm On A Roll

Red Ball Bullet

I'm on a roll

You're on a roll

Don't need to care about the rest of our lives

I'm on a roll

You're on a roll

Don't need to care about the rest of our lives

I wanna hear your scream

Make the floor so hot

I live hardcore and follow my dream

Doesn't matter what I got

If I could jump in a sea of hands

It'll take my mind off anything bothering me

I got the pleasure that I'd been seeking

Keep me on the stage

I'm on a roll

You're on a roll

Don't need to care about the rest of our lives

I'm on a roll

You're on a roll

Don't need to care about the rest of our lives

Now I'm the King of Rock and Roll

Playing the guitar that I stole

I'm getting high on the show

Don't need any pill 'cause this is better than blow

I got the pleasure that I'd been seeking

Keep me on the stage

I'm on a roll

You're on a roll

Don't need to care about the rest of our lives

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


That's Lifeのジャケット写真

Red Ball Bullet の“I'm On A Roll”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


ライブのオープニングを飾ることの多い単純明快BluesインストTr-1、キャッチーなRiff&Melodyが印象的なTr-2、歌えるRiffとガシガシに前進するドラムでテンションお高めなTr-3、歌詞が何となく切ないTr-4で落ち着いたところで名曲感満載、サビは大合唱必至Tr-5で締めくくる、「捨て曲なし」な2nd EP!

