cheer beats Front Cover


cheer beats


Dancing in the Music

I can't stop it

Where no one is

The moon hides in the clouds

I have no more time

The end of technology

Dancing in the Music

I can't stop it

Where no one is

This is a paradise

The music resounding at dawn

The body starts move naturally

Keep dancing

Staring at You

Take me to the endlessroad

Integrated feel

In the summer breeze

In to the air

Like a Day Dream

This is a paradise

Where no one is

Dancing in the Music

Never gonna stop

Keep dancing

Staring at You

Take me to the endlessroad

Integrated feel

In the summer breeze

In to the air

Like a Day Dream

This is a paradise

Where no one is

Dancing in the Music

Never gonna stop

Dancing in the Music

I can't stop it

Where no one is

The moon hides in the clouds

I have no more time

The end of technology

  • Lyricist

    Ochi Satsuki

  • Composer

    Nishimura Kazuhiko

cheer beats Front Cover

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