Is there light at the end of this road Front Cover


To the place where your dreams lead you

A city with a music teacher

どこへ続くのか 分からなくても

風を感じて ただ進めばいい

迷いながらでも 夢が導く

光射す場所へ ほら、行こう

夜の街に映る 自分の影

答えを探して 彷徨う日々

時計の針は 進むだけで

戻れないこと わかってるのに

「このままでいいの?」 ふとつぶやく

でも胸の奥で 何かが叫ぶ

どこへ続くのか 分からなくても

風を感じて ただ進めばいい

迷いながらでも 夢が導く

光射す場所へ ほら、行こう

昨日の涙も 無駄にはしない

すべてが今を 作る力

不安の中でも 立ち止まるな

鼓動を信じて 走り続けろ

いつか辿り着く 夢が導く

光射す場所へ ほら、行こう

遠回りだって 無駄じゃない

足跡は未来へ 続いてる

怖がらなくていい 目を開けて

そこにあるんだ 行くべき道が

どこへ続くのか 分からなくても

風を感じて ただ進めばいい

迷いながらでも 夢が導く

光射す場所へ ほら、行こう

  • Lyricist

    A city with a music teacher

  • Composer

    A city with a music teacher

  • Producer

    A city with a music teacher

  • Piano

    A city with a music teacher

Is there light at the end of this road Front Cover

Listen to To the place where your dreams lead you by A city with a music teacher

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Is there light at the end of this road

    A city with a music teacher

  • 2

    Go your own way

    A city with a music teacher

  • ⚫︎

    To the place where your dreams lead you

    A city with a music teacher

  • 4

    You decide what the right path is

    A city with a music teacher

  • 5

    Knock on new doors

    A city with a music teacher

I don't know where to turn. No matter what I do, I am not rewarded.
To those of you who are in such anxieties and doubts.

This song is a song of support for all those who are struggling with life choices and trying to move forward one step at a time.
Even if the present is surrounded by darkness, there is a light that you can see if you keep moving forward.
We hope that this song will gently push you forward when you feel like giving up, or when you feel like falling apart.

May the light of hope reach your heart.

Artist Profile
