Dala Front Cover

頑張っても 頑張っても どうにもならない

努力しても 努力しても報われやしない

ヤケになる寸前 閻魔が牙剥く2~3分前

諦めずに 続けたのに結果が出せない

「もう無理だ」と 「もう嫌だ」とスプーンを投げる

何もかも必然 逃れようのないルーティーン


愛はあれど満たされず 経験値を上げるため

どうにもならないことは どうにもならないままで

別の何かに打ち込めばいい Dalalala

どうにもならないことは どうにもならないままで

ダラっとさせときゃ それでいい Dalalalalan

くたばるときゃ くたばるけど成仏できない

空を飛んで 海を越えて 極楽浄土へ

いつか行ける予感 閻魔の恩赦で星フルムーン

胸に消えない切り傷 遠い闇のスタンプ

あえて愛は抱きしめず 一人ぼっちで生きてゆく

何にも出来ない時は 何にも出来ないままで

違うSwitchに切替えたらいい Dalalala

何にも出来ない時は 何にも出来ないままで

放っておいたら それでいい Dalalalalan Lanlalan

時間が必要なのさ 解決できない争いも

年季が明ければ夜も明ける 待てど暮らせど混沌の日々

どうにもならない奴は どうにもならないままで

別の誰かに愛を注いでりゃいい Dalalala

どうにもならない恋は どうにもならないままで

ゆっくり決めたら それでいい Dalalalalan Lanlalan

答えが出せないことは 答えが出せないままで

時間が必要だから そのままにしておけ Dalalala

答えが出せないことは 出せないまま寝かせとけ

熟成させときゃいいのさ 美味しくなる日まで Dalalalalan

  • Lyricist

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Composer

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Producer

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Recording Engineer

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Mixing Engineer

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Mastering Engineer

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Graphic Design

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Guitar

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Bass Guitar

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Drums

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Keyboards

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Vocals

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Background Vocals

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

Dala Front Cover

Listen to Dala by Hideyuki Ishiyama

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    Hideyuki Ishiyama

No matter how hard you try, there are times when nothing can be done. There are times when your efforts don't pay off. That's because the time hasn't come yet. The amount of effort you put into it will definitely pay off someday. For those who say, ``No matter how hard I try, nothing will happen. No matter how hard I try, I won't be rewarded.'' The time has not come yet. There is a timing to everything. People who can't wait for the right timing are the ones who give up on things mid-way.

Artist Profile

  • Hideyuki Ishiyama

    I started singing my own songs while commuting to school when I was in elementary school and started playing the guitar at the age of 14. He started composing and composing properly at the age of 15 and auditioned. But he was defeated. At the age of 20, he was in charge of guitar and vocals in band activities. Meanwhile, he continued to write original songs. After that, he went through many unemployment and job changes and spent his thirties and forties without a place to express music. But he wakes up at the age of 49. He started delivering music, but it didn't work because he wasn't known. After that, he uploaded his songs to YouTube one after another. After trial and error, he learned how to make arrangements on the internet. For three years, he hone his music production skills, including arranging, and streamed videos to raise his profile. He is once again completely challenging music distribution. He is aiming for further heights.

    Artist page

    Hideyuki Ishiyamaの他のリリース