マッサージ マッサージ
すべすべお肌の マッサージ
おでこ トントン
おめめ パチパチ
お耳 パタパタ
お口 チュチュチュチュチュッ
お鼻 ツンツン
ほっぺた プニュニュ
ほおら 楽しいおかお
マッサージ マッサージ
お次は体の マッサージ
お胸 ポンポン
お腹 クルクル
おてて ギュッギュッ
お尻は 食べたくなっちゃう
わきを こちょこちょ
あんよも こちょこちょ
ほおら にっこり笑顔 ららららら
もう一回 トントン
あたま なでなで
おへそを フーフー
両手で パチパチパチチ
そしたら 抱っこ
ゆらゆら ららら
生まれてきてくれて ありがとう
- Lyricist
KANO, non
- Composer
KANO, non
Listen to Baby Massage Song by mamakanon
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Baby Massage Song
We hope many moms/dads and their children can spend a happy time falling a gentle sleep while singing this song every night.
This is a song that you can enjoy singing with your kid(s) and while having a baby massage every day.
This song features cute voices of children from 1 to 5 years old! There are many simple onomatopoeic words such as "ton-ton" and "pon-pon" that are easy for children to sing along in the lyrics, so you kid(s) can also have fun singing with you.
We hope this reaches moms/dads who are too busy to play with their kid(s) every day but want to do more physical contact and communicate their love.
As the lyrics sing "Thank you for being born" at the end of the song, please tell your kid(s) how much you love them while a baby massage! We hope this song helps many moms and dads to spend more happy time with their kid(s)!!
Artist Profile
We are "Mamakanon" that started our music career since August 2016. We are a music duo consisted of two mamas. Names of each members are "non" and "kano". Both of us create our own music and music video that are useful for mamas. We've kept creating our music at our own pace in between time taking care of kids and working outside. Our music was born inspired by those kids who hates brushing their teeth, and we hope that they enjoy brushing their teeth with this song:) We also made some music that you can sing while massaging your babies, songs with the lyrics based on the recipe of healthy Japanese baby food and changing diapers, music video made with Japanese traditional collage of pieces of colored paper, lullaby and etc. We'd love all the mamas to make good use of our songs!