Kawaii Sensation Front Cover


Kawaii Sensation

Yuzu Natsumi

I'm gonna be your superstar


可愛いは正義 ファッション感覚で

完全武装 個性が大事

好きな色を選んでshow your love

前人未到 新種のmovement



I'm gonna be your superstar

儚い存在 刻みつける今





一度っきりのlife 邁進するだけ

天下無双 唯一の証

型破りなスタイルでshow your love

存在意義 信じてfreedom



I'm gonna be your superstar

未知のエリア 確かめよう今


不器用でもいい アピール次第

巻き起こせbeat 次なる時代





そう かわいいは 正義なのだ〜〜〜!!

I'm gonna be your superstar

儚い存在 刻みつける今


好きは無限大 everybody say かわいい!

I'm gonna be your superstar

未知のエリア 確かめよう今


不器用でもいい アピール次第


巻き起こせbeat 次なる時代



  • Lyricist

    Yuzu Natsumi

  • Composer

    Yuzu Natsumi

Kawaii Sensation Front Cover

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    Kawaii Sensation

    Yuzu Natsumi

Japanese Music to the World!
Yuzu Natsumi (shamisen singer YUZU), a singer / songwriter who travels the world with her instrument shamisen, Japanese traditional guitar, is releasing her first song after moving to New York in 2022.

This song was created as the theme song for her 2024 tour in U.S. and Europe.
She started working on this song with the aim of creating a song that has a universal meaning and can unite everyone in the live venue together. She chose Japanese word KAWAII as the concept, for it is known as a word that symbolizes Japanese pop culture, and she thought there was no one who didn't like this word.

The first version of this song was premiered at Japan Village Summer Festival in New York in August 2023. After a few performances in US and Europe, she recorded the final version in Tokyo, Japan in March 2024.

With arrangement by Akira Sakai, a highly acclaimed game music composer and a keyboardist, this song became a wonderful fusion of Japanese traditional instruments, anime music, and American funk music which Yuzu learned in New York.

At the time this song comes out (May 2024), she is going on her music tour in Europe. She is going to join some Japanese festivals and anime conventions in France, Switzerland, Portugal, Serbia and Egypt.

Past Rank In

Kawaii Sensation

iTunes Store • J-Pop TOP SONGS • Switzerland • TOP 1 • 29 May 2024 iTunes Store • J-Pop TOP SONGS • Portugal • TOP 2 • 1 Jun 2024 iTunes Store • J-Pop TOP SONGS • United States • TOP 34 • 13 Jul 2024

Artist Profile

  • Yuzu Natsumi

    Yuzu Natsumi is a singer and songwriter playing "shamisen", Japanese traditional guitar, in a modern and in a traditional way. With her shamisen and her catchy rhythms, she introduces the beauty and sophistication of Japanese culture to the world, through traditional music and her original songs. She has been based in New York since the summer of 2022; she is currently on her music tour in Europe since spring 2024. So far she has performed in 22 countries, including the U.S., France, Serbia, Thailand, India and Egypt. The concept of her music is a fusion of tradition and pop culture. She mainly performs at anime conventions, combining original pop music with traditional minyo (Japanese folk songs). Her music has been gaining popularity among anime fans, especially in English- and French-speaking countries, who say they can enjoy the "authentic Japanese sound". She is also highly regarded in the field of cultural education, and has been invited by universities and Japanese embassies all over the world to give lectures about Japanese music.

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