Piranhandroid Front Cover



Hideyuki Ishiyama

失礼なことばかり言う 不愉快なことばかりする

どんな家に育ったら そんなふうになるの?



溢れても 溢れても 溢れても 需要ないのに供給され

あの世から似たような人達に 舞い降りた堕天使

You'll So You'll So 許せない奴らも

You'll So You'll So 同じ人の子だからね


いちいち怒ってたら とてもじゃないが身が持たない


親も元カノもDVで 酷い目に遭わされた



泳いでも 泳いでも 泳いでも 偽りだらけの誘導され


You'll So You'll So 操作されたんだろ?

You'll So You'll So 許せば 救われる人生

許せないことだって たまにはあるけれど

ちょっとした罪ならスルーしなくちゃ 耐えられない

教育がおかしいよ 甘やかしたらダメだよ

叱り過ぎても おかしくなるよ しっかり考えてあげて

You'll So You'll So 帰ってもいいから

You'll So You'll So さらば アマゾンの何処かへ

You'll So You'll So もういいよ 無理だろ?

You'll So You'll So 稚魚からやり直せ Piranhandroid

愛のない世界なら いっそ ひとりぼっちでいたい

いちいち怒鳴ってないで 熱帯の雨に許されて You'll So

  • Lyricist

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Composer

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

Piranhandroid Front Cover

Listen to Piranhandroid by Hideyuki Ishiyama

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    Hideyuki Ishiyama

There are some incredibly rude and mean people in this world. However, if you get angry with such a person one by one, you will only be in pain. As long as it's not a big deal, I'm happier if I forgive and forget.

Artist Profile

  • Hideyuki Ishiyama

    I started singing my own songs while commuting to school when I was in elementary school and started playing the guitar at the age of 14. He started composing and composing properly at the age of 15 and auditioned. But he was defeated. At the age of 20, he was in charge of guitar and vocals in band activities. Meanwhile, he continued to write original songs. After that, he went through many unemployment and job changes and spent his thirties and forties without a place to express music. But he wakes up at the age of 49. He started delivering music, but it didn't work because he wasn't known. After that, he uploaded his songs to YouTube one after another. After trial and error, he learned how to make arrangements on the internet. For three years, he hone his music production skills, including arranging, and streamed videos to raise his profile. He is once again completely challenging music distribution. He is aiming for further heights.

    Artist page

    Hideyuki Ishiyamaの他のリリース