LIFE PATHのジャケット写真


Dust to Dust


Like a bird in the sky has strong wings to fly

We have legs to keep us going

It is so obvious, but I don't wanna forget it

So I keep on traveling

The sight I used to see in the light has gone too far

But I believe that some things never change

We stand here to sow the seeds of life

We say good bye to come back

We'll survive

High winds are swinging our lifelines

And trying to drop us down harder

Woah, still keep on stepping to the light

Remembering something that I'd like to see

Before I lose my footprints

But I only know one thing

That I'm looking for a place to see at the end of traveling

The sight I used to see in the light has gone too far

But I believe that one thing never changes

We stand here to sow the seeds of life

We say good bye to come back

We'll survive

High winds are swinging our lifelines

And trying to drop us down harder

Woah, still keep on stepping to the light

Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust

Even if I am imprisoned, my soul will return to the places I belong

The sights I used to see in the light are still here

We stand here to sow the seeds of life

We say good bye to come back

We'll survive

High winds are swinging our lifelines

And trying to drop us down harder

Woah, still keep on stepping to the light

High winds are swinging our lifelines

And trying to drop us down harder

But we still keep on stepping to the light

  • 作詞

    後藤 駿汰

  • 作曲

    山口 真幸

LIFE PATHのジャケット写真

CYANSEA の“Dust to Dust”を


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    2021年結成。2022年にライブ活動を開始する。 メタル、ポップス、エレクトロといった音楽を独自の解釈で組み合わせ、シリアスかつエモーショナルな世界観の楽曲を展開している。 ライブではハードコアやメタルコアから影響を受けたアグレッシヴなステージングに加え、バックモニターに映像を写しつつ演奏を行うことで音楽に止まらない没入感の高いアートを表現。 また、音源制作、ライブ演出、ビデオディレクション、マーチデザインに至るまでをセルフで完成させている。

